If you have already registered, you don’t need to do so again. Note, the registration form is only for schools and math circles, not individuals or home-schooled students. If you are an individual who needs to find a proctoring site, then see below.

In the past, a number of schools and math circles have been able to accommodate students from schools that cannot host BAMO. Luckily, a few institutions have indicated that they may be able to accept outside students, and we have listed them here. This list includes schools in the following locations:

  • East Bay
  • South Bay
  • North Bay
  • Peninsula
  • Santa Cruz
  • Santa Barbara
  • Pasadena
  • Los Angeles

Please contact them on your own, and be aware that there is still very limited availability, and that it is a first-come, first-served situation. The information is still incomplete, but please return to this website for updates. Please contact one school at a time; don’t bombard them all with requests. Wait to hear from a school for confirmation and details.

If you live outside the locations mentioned above, please contact us by email and we will see what we can do. It is still early; last year we had open sites in San Francisco and San Diego.

We wish that it is easier to take BAMO, but the pandemic has continued to make it difficult for most schools to open their doors to non-students.